Thanksgiving Seal to All

November 24, 2017 CLBAZEMORE No comments exist

Dearly Beloved, my heart goes out to you all. Today great progress was made. In the heart of God, He called a man to himself from the burning bush, his name was Moses, from the old days.  God gives Moses, in his  great talk with him, the name of  all names (I AM). This powerful moment,  in history from that time on, has opened the door for many.

Epictetus in classical philosophy stated  “Man is not disturbed by things, but by his opinion about things”.

In this  Thanksgiving season, call to your  Mighty God within presence. The mighty God within gives you great blessing and gives to all the world as you receive. The great God is ready and willing to give great blessing to you and your family. We, at the church of the Holy Sprit, sound the keynote.  We call to the great ones for you as you greet your own Mighty I Am Presence. You are the open door to your dreams; you are now to call forth your blessing. The Master states “If you ask for a certain amount of cash, God will not give you a stone.” The action of God is good and he can make a way out of no way.

I believe someone is getting a big solution this Thanksgiving. Declare “God give me some money today!  In your infinite spirit in Christ Jesus name, let it be done. Don’t forget to say many times “I am the resurrection and life of the fulfillment of all my affairs” Now made manifest by God’s demand! We send out to you and your family in this powerful thanksgiving season, thanks for all that you do! In this hour, still so many have called for help and seemingly there has been no response. I say to you their day has come. But the assurance of a hundred loving friends giving themselves in Prayer and stretching forth their hands and voices declaring in praise,  warm approval of GOD’S help our people.MY friends blessing is often all that is needed to turn the coin from weakness to strength, from sadness and hopelessness to faith, from insufficiency to the all powerful source of all-sufficiency.    God has heard the call. The call demands the answer. I say to all of   you way out there in the valley of sorrow, God has heard your crying for your good.  Our God hears your voice. Psalms 16 :1 Preserve me, O GOD: for in thee do I put  my trust.

I send Big Blessings, my dear friends of Christ Jesus. Sisters and Brothers,  don’t turn your back but do what you can and call on the Mighty GOD to provide for all mankind.

Psalm8: 1. “O LORD OUR LORD how excellent is thy name in all the earth! THOU has  set thy glory upon the heavens. “

Thank you, God, for this amazing world, for great is thy glory and greatly to be praised. I want us to proclaim aloud. Psalm8: 9, “ O LORD,OUR LORD how excellent is thy name in all the earth”!



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